Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Public Health Implications of Same Sex Marriage

I came across this intriguing title in the American Journal of Public Health.

Of course, there is much controversy about the legalization of same sex marriages. Many argue that same sex marriages are an extension of human rights. This perspective looks at same sex marriage for a medical standpoint.

Reports in the medical and social science literature suggest that legal and social recognition of same-sex marriage has had positive effects on gay and lesbian couples. The health benefits of legalized marriage are significant regardless of sexual orientationThese include significantly less depression and anxiety, better psychological well-being, better access to health insurance and quality health care as well as more consistent family support. Improved access to health care is conferred by marriage benefits under federal or state law and by the decreased effects of institutionalized stigma on gays and lesbians.

Of course, those opposed to same sex marriage are likely not to be swayed by arguments in favor of human rights or improved medical outcomes.