Monday, September 14, 2020

Rock is Dead- Long Live Rock! The Cassette Comeback, The Revenge of Analog and A Surge in Guitar Sales....


Cassette tapes are making a comeback, per this LA Times article. This is almost certainly not for the sound quality, rather for nostalgia. However, this preference may not be that simple as explored in the book The Revenge of previously posted here.

In the COVID-19 era, guitar sales are surging.

My most meaningful outlet in these strange times is jamming with my band, in our 6000 sq foot practice space, socially distanced.

To quote The Who: Rock is Dead- Long Live Rock!

The Vagabond Dandies are: Justin Haught (lead guitar, vocals), Gary Tye (rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Greg Lawson (bass guitar, backing vocals) and The Blogger (drums, backing vocals)

Instagram: @vagabond_dandies