Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Off Topic! The History of the Drumset Documentary

I am way off topic and know that I should stick to what little I know such as infectious diseases and infection prevention. Passion sometimes simply wins out.What follows will interest few of you, if any.

From 5th grade to college and after a long hiatus, I returned to drumming several years ago. Drumming is a passion that is to be studied seriously.  

For those seeking an excellent documentary on the history of the drumset, from 1865 to the present, check out the film above. From military drum lines to ragtime, bee-bop, jazz, big band music, rocakabilly, rhythm and blues and rock and roll, the drumset is in constant evolution, with each genre building on the last.

Mastery (of anything) takes time, deliberate practice and a willingness to be a perpetual student. As with any profession or trade, the more you understand the past the greater you can master and contribute to the present.