Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Crowdsourcing in Infection Prevention

Source: Sciencemag.org
I have been thinking of the concept of  crowdsourcing and came across this article that explores crowdsourcing applications for public health.

Crowdsourcing is a shared top-down and bottom-up online collective problem solving process which taps into the collective wisdom of the crowd. 

When faced with infection prevention management problems or problems of implementation, we should explore solutions from the crowd (eg. the hospital staff)  by way of online engagement.  This may result in creative input and inexpensive or free labor/collaborations.

A related example is the concept of positive deviance, as I have previously discussed here. One can imagine positive deviance solutions to vexing implementation struggles (such as hand hygiene, use of checklists etc) emerging from an online crowdsourcing 'innovation challenge'.

Crowdsourcing may prove a satisfice approach to infection prevention conundrums.