Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Eyeglasses for the Developing World- A Vision for the Future

The developing world is full of health problems. One of the many is the lack of prescription eyeglasses. Last year we took 170 pairs of glasses to Honduras on our medical relief trip. They were a hot commodity.

How could prescription glasses be delivered to millions of people in resource poor countries in a cheap and simple fashion? Below is an informative TED video on the subject brought to my attention by a colleague at VCU Medical Center.

Could we do the same for water filters? Specifically, could we teach the campesinos targeted by our yearly medical relief trips to make and maintain their own clay water filters for enhanced water sanitation? This is worth exploring.

To learn more about our ongoing clinical work, public health projects and research in Honduras, visit the the GH2DP website or peruse the slides from our latest presentation, at VCU Internal Medicine Grand Rounds.