Monday, April 23, 2012

Fecal Microbiota Transplantation- The Universal Donor

The blender- not just for smoothies! 
I spent much of the weekend updating a C.difficile lecture. I added new fecal microbiota transplantation references with particular emphasis on a paper reporting the use of a 'universal donor' for stool .

 A few points. Fecal transplantation is a reasonable and effective treatment for recurrent C.difficile colitis. The goal is to restore the normal microbiologic flora of the colon to prevent recurrences of C.difficile colitis. Here is a scholarly review on fecal bacteriotherapy for the treatment of recurrent C.difficile colitis.

Once stool donors are screened for HIV, Hepatitis B and C, donor stool can then be screened for pathogens such as salmonella, shigella, giardia, C.difficile, and cryptosporidium. A slurry is made with normal saline in a blender. The particles are removed via sieves and then concentrated via a centrifuge. The concentrated fecal solution can be administered  immediately  via nasogastric tube or by colonoscopy with enema, or, it can be frozen for future (transplantation) use.

We need to get past the yuck factor and make this therapy available for those who suffer from recurrent C.difficile colitis