Thursday, December 7, 2017

Antimicrobial Stewardship- The Role of the Patient ?

In 1996 PubMed indexed one paper with the search term "antimicrobial stewardship.' In 2017, 630 papers are indexed under the same search term. Antimicrobial stewardship (AS) is on the rise. This cool article lends a new perspective- that of the role of the patient as an antimicrobial steward.


Patient centered care is also on the rise and is neatly summarized here in this British Medical Journal article. Patient involvement in AS does not seem so far fetched.

I personally think that rapid PCR diagnostics, particularly for viral respiratory pathogens and diarheal illnesses, should have a sizable impact on unnecessary antibiotic use. A definitive diagnosis mitigates the fear of being wrong and prescribing a 'just in case' antibiotic. This is explored in the film Resistance, as posted here.

Increased patient awareness and understanding of AS and the impact on their care is likely the first step in successfully involving patients in AS endeavors. Patient awareness and advocacy of 'no antibiotics for viruses' almost certainly cannot be a bad thing.

How much impact could this have on AS? 

Nobody knows but it is worth investigating..