Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fargo Rock City! Read and Rock on!


Okay...this is neither a new book (2001) nor was I a metal head growing up, BUT if you are a fan of rock music and fancy a serious yet hilarious reflection of hard rock/heavy metal/glam metal/hair bands of the 1980's, this is the book for you.

Chuck Klosterman is masterful in relating the impact of heavy metal music on teenagers in the 1980s. Although I did not grow up on a farm in North Dakota like Klosterman, we are roughly the same age and I can relate to much of his musical odyssey, experiencing similar radio hits and the rise of MTV.

One need not be a fan of heavy metal to appreciate its massive sonic presence for a decade, commonly in the airwave mix with other rock and new wave acts. Like other genres- disco, punk music, etc, fads come and go. This was no different.

Was metal music high quality musicianship? Who cares, it was present, powerful and exciting (at the time), worth remembering.

Viva le Rock!