Saturday, October 21, 2017

Grand Rounds at University of Nebraska Medical Center: Infection Prevention: Processes, Pragmatism and Controversies

University of Nebraska Medical Center Campus

Arriving early at the Durham Research Center auditorium, prior to loading the slides

Thank you to Dr. Mark Rupp and the rest of the infectious diseases, infection prevention and healthcare quality team at the University of Nebraska Medical Center for graciously hosting me as the invited grand rounds speaker on October 20, 2017.

My lecture, titled Infection Prevention: Processes, Pragmatism and Controversies, covered much of what is interesting to me in infection prevention. Of course, the presentation heavily referenced pragmatism, bias in hospital  epidemiology and a satisfice approach to infection prevention. So as not to disappoint, the use of gowns and gloves and the  de-escalation of contact precautions was explored along with physician apparel, bare below the elbows and accountability

Thank you to the audience for listening.