Here is a manuscript on validation of CLABSI reporting published in the American Journal of Infection Control. Trained Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment staff members performed onsite validation visits that included interviews with infection preventionists to assess surveillance practices and retrospective chart reviews of patients with positive blood cultures in specific intensive care units (adult and neonatal) and long-term acute care hospitals during the first quarter of 2010.
Fifty-five CLABSIs from the original sample were identified; 33 (60%) in the adult intensive care unit, 7 (12.7%) in the neonatal intensive care unit, and 15 (27.3%) in the long-term acute care hospital. Of the 55 CLABSIs identified by reviewers, 18 (32.7%) were not reported by the hospitals, 37 CLABSIs (67.3%) were reported correctly into the National Healthcare Safety Network, and 1 CLABSI was over-reported.
Surveillance was loose with 33% of CLABSIs being under-reported.
This is concerning. Validation is essential to promote accuracy in reporting.