During the 4-month study period, the performers were offered oropharyngeal, rectal, and urogenital testing for Gonorrhea, and rectal and urogenital testing for Chlamydia. A total of 168 participants were enrolled: 112 (67%) were female and 56 (33%) were male. Of the 47 (28%) who tested positive for Gonorrhea and/or Chlamydia, 11 (23%) cases would not have been detected through urogenital testing alone. Gonorrhea was the most common STI (42/168; 25%) and the oropharynx the most common site of infection (37/47; 79%). More importantly, thirty-five (95%) oropharyngeal and 21 (91%) rectal infections were asymptomatic. Not surprisingly, few participants reported using condoms consistently while performing or with their personal sex partners.
The Adult Industry Medical Health Care Foundation was founded to provide HIV testing and urinary chlamydia and gonorrhea testing of adult film performers. As the tests are voluntary and as chlamydia/gonorrhea testing is on urinary samples only, many sub-clinical infections are missed.
Like Nevada brothel workers, condoms should be required by law for all sex acts and STD testing, at all anatomic sites, should be mandatory and regular.
Safety first, every day.