Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Miller Collection: Antiquarian Medical Books, A Visual and Historical Feast, Back Home at VCU


In 1926 Dr. Joseph Lyon Miller, an alumnus of the Medical College of Virginia and a practicing physician in West Virginia, offered to the Richmond Academy of Medicine a valuable collection of old medical books. Dr. Miller was both a renaissance man and antiquarian book collector.

The Miller Collection includes rare portraits, prints, letters, and silhouettes of medical significance besides its 1600 volumes. Among the important items are Andreas Vesalius's De Fabrica Humāni Corporis , second edition, Guy de Chauliac's Chirurgia Magna,1499; Aureolus Paracelsus's Chirurgia Magna & Minor, 1573, a rare first English edition of Ambrose Paré's Works, 1634; Carbon's Libro del Arte; Pratis's De Pariente et Partu and the first English edition of William Harvey's Anatomical Exercitations,1653.

The Miller Collection is now formally and finally back at The Medical College of Virginia-Virginia Commonwealth University Health Sciences Library- as part of the permanent archive.


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Fargo Rock City! Read and Rock on!


Okay...this is neither a new book (2001) nor was I a metal head growing up, BUT if you are a fan of rock music and fancy a serious yet hilarious reflection of hard rock/heavy metal/glam metal/hair bands of the 1980's, this is the book for you.

Chuck Klosterman is masterful in relating the impact of heavy metal music on teenagers in the 1980s. Although I did not grow up on a farm in North Dakota like Klosterman, we are roughly the same age and I can relate to much of his musical odyssey, experiencing similar radio hits and the rise of MTV.

One need not be a fan of heavy metal to appreciate its massive sonic presence for a decade, commonly in the airwave mix with other rock and new wave acts. Like other genres- disco, punk music, etc, fads come and go. This was no different.

Was metal music high quality musicianship? Who cares, it was present, powerful and exciting (at the time), worth remembering.

Viva le Rock!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Thank you MCV Foundation for the Recognition and Support on All Things COVID19 Related


It is an honor to be included and recognized in this MCV Foundation video.   The support is invaluable.


Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Until Proven Safe: The History and Future of Quarantine

The golden age of blogging is long past but I am not yet ready to shut down my blog.  Admittedly, I post much less frequently given the ease and impact of Twitter.  This blog nevertheless serves as an extension of my personality and interests.

Books are hugely important to me.

Until Proven Safe- on the  history and future of  quarantine is well worth the read.  This is not an academic tome but rather a compelling narrative of quarantine, from a medical, social and political perspective, starting in the renaissance to the modern era, including agriculture,  radioactive waste and even space travel.

The better we understand quarantine, the more selectively and precisely we can apply it in the name of safety and with the goal of minimizing collateral damage.

Kudos to the authors on a well researched and even better written book.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Medical Society of Virginia Salute to Service Award. What an honor!


It was a huge honor to receive the Medical Society of Virginia Salute to Service Award, for my work in infection prevention and safety. Thank you to all the collaborators over the years for their invaluable service to patient safety.

Last but no least, a special thank you to Drs. Michael Edmond and Richard Wenzel, for their second-to-none mentorship in my professional career as both an infectious diseases specialist and epidemiologist. 

No one succeeds without the guidance and support of others.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Time Management for Mortals

Four thousand weeks is the average human lifespan, which on reflection is not much, making time management an important aspect of existence.  But, Time Management for Mortals is no ordinary book and offers no secrets on how to increase productivity or to better integrate work and home life. Productivity geeks beware.

The book compellingly argues what we know, or should know: that there is never enough time for our hyperactive lives and the sooner we accept that the less we will suffer. It comes down to choosing what not to do, or being highly selective in what to do, to pause and focus on what really matters, to avoid the busy trap- a never ending cycle of anxiety.

This is a short yet powerful read, especially for those who are pressed for time.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Lost In Thought: A Bookworm's Delight

Idle time on the couch with a book in hand should not be thought of as unproductive work. 

In fact, in this beautifully written book by Zena Hitz, the numerous benefits of intellectual pursuits (such as reading and reflecting) are compellingly argued. These include a refugee from distress; a reminder of human dignity; a source of insight and understanding; a source of inspiration and a 'place' to seek a broader perspective on nearly all matters of existence.

Slow down, read, reflect, re-orient, for self-benefit and for the good of others.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Energy Expenditure in Rock/Pop Drumming: It's More Than You Think


I read many scientific publications in my role as Chief of Infectious Diseases at Virginia Commonwealth University, as an epidemiologist, and as Editor in Chief of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology, but this article, on the energy expenditure during rock and roll drumming, published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine, was particularly intriguing to me and definitely caught my attention.

Bottom line:  Drumming is a physical activity and can burn up to 600+ calories per hour during a performance.

I will keep this in mind and turn on the exercise calorie counter on my iWatch the next time I perform with Vagabond Dandies

This publication confirms what we drummers already know, that a proper gig is physically draining.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Dale's Drum Shop: Well Worth the Detour

On my drive home from Central New York  (for the OHS Soccer Classic),  I took a small detour and made a brief pit stop at the famed Dale's Drum Shop.

This unassuming, converted home in a Harrisburg, PA suburb is one of the largest drum shops in the USA. The place is a visual and percussive feast! Equal parts exhilarating and intimidating.

The staff: super friendly and helpful.

I will be visiting again in my jaunts between Richmond, VA and Syracuse, NY.

Images from the visit are above.

My band, Vagabond Dandies, are back in action later this month....images, videos and gig dates are found on our website, accessible here.

Saturday, July 31, 2021

The 2021 OHS Soccer Classic- Oneida, NY: The Football Is Secondary

This one goes out to all who value lifelong friendships and the Beautiful Game.

The 2021 Oneida High School (OHS) soccer classic was played today under beautiful blue skies and ideal temperature. The match was a mix of OHS soccer alumni and current high school players, in an Orange vs Blue game of bragging rights.

At full time the final score was Orange 7- Blue 6!

The real winner: All the participants, families and friends who made the event memorable and meaningful. You see, its really not about the football (The Beautiful Game), it is about maintaining and nurturing lifelong friendships.

I am already looking forward to the 2022 event. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Back in Central New York: Images and the Pending 2021OHS Soccer Classic

It is nice to be back in my adolescent proving ground of Central New York....for the much anticipated (Oneida High School) OHS Soccer Classic tomorrow (7/31/21)

Above are some images from my jog this morning by the Erie preparation for the big reunion soccer match.

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Cindy Blackman: The Coolest Drummer

Although largely medical in focus, this blog is an extension of my personality and passions....drumming (and music) is one of them.

Earlier in the week I listened to a Modern Drummer Podcast on Cindy Blackman,  virtuoso rock drummer with Lenny Kravitz. Cindy is also a highly regarded jazz drummer, with serious technical chops.

My band, Vagabond Dandies, covers a Lenny Kravitz song (are You Gonna Go My Way?) so I fully appreciate the groove and power in Cindy's drumming.  Most importantly, after learning more about Cindy via the podcast, I fully appreciate her style, musicality, versatility and power on the set.

Cindy Blackman is The Coolest Drummer in modern rock and roll.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Buddhist on Death Row: Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow


If you seek a truly unique read, one which will both inspire you and stretch your understanding of the power of awareness and self-mastery, The Buddhist on Death Row by David Sheff will deliver on all counts. The book relates the story of Jarvis Masters, on death row for 30+ years, and how he discovered light in the darkest of places.

As in the postscript, quoting George Clinton of Funkadelic:

Free your mind and your ass will follow

So true.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

How to Truly Listen: Insights from a Deaf Percussionist


This blog reflects my interests, medicine, music, books etc.....and the above TED talk is extraordinary, wherein a highly talented deaf percussionist, Evelyn Glennie, shares her goal of teaching others to listen.

Listening is much more than simply processing sound waves, it is visual, tactile and situational. Playing music is about hearing, feeling and interpreting.

Listen to the message.

Monday, June 14, 2021

An Image is Worth Many (If not 1000) Words

It is not often (if ever) that I receive fan mail. This one is neither short nor sweet. Here is an emphatic letter from a passionate yet misguided Virginian (name of sender removed).  

As an infectious diseases specialist, I do not concur.

Obviously, no response required.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Good Read: Ten Lessons for a Post Pandemic World

Despite COVID-19 fatigue, I greatly enjoyed Ten Lessons for a Post Pandemic World by Fareed Zakaria. 

Take home messages: nations are more interconnected than ever, we are social animals, life is increasingly digital, inequality is deepening, globalization is not dead, markets are not enough, the quality of government matters and people should listen to experts (and experts should listen to people).

With that in mind, nothing is written, we still can shape our future so as to more convincingly and humanely respond to the next great catastrophe.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Immunity4U: Why is it Important to Study Infections and Immunity in Medical School?


My Q+A video blog with Professor Eun Lee of the VCU School of Medicine

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Vagabond Dandies YouTube Channel and Website Launched

The Vagabond Dandies YouTube Channel launched, access here. More band information and upcoming gig dates on Vagabond Dandies website.

The band is composed of 3 VCU Health physicians (Drs. Justin Haught, Gary Tye and Gonzalo Bearman) along with Mr. Greg Lawson.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

The Power of Moments

I stepped away from the blog for a bit to concentrate on other matters such as life and work.  But now, I am back, and would like to comment on this cool book, The Power of Moments, by Chip and Dan Heath.

Although published in 2017, the book is new to me, wherein the Heath brothers explore the power of moments, or, why certain experiences have extraordinary impact.  These experiences can be triumphs or failures and resonate with individuals through either moments of elevation, insight, pride or connection. 

But here is the thing,  why wait for these moments to occur spontaneously? With awareness and deliberate action, powerful moments can be created. This is where the true insight of the book lies.

Well worth reading.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Rock is Dead! Long Live Rock!

There is Respite in Rock....Vagabond Dandies at SHEA Spring 21 (above) and in Richmond Bizsense Magazine, here.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology (ASHE): Launched!

For personal and professional reasons,  my focus was elsewhere and I stepped away from the blog for a bit.  I am back.

I am deeply honored and grateful to be the inaugural Editor in Chief of Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology (ASHE),  an official publications of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), published by Cambridge University Press.

The journal is committed to the rapid dissemination of high quality, timely, evolving science in antimicrobial stewardship and healthcare epidemiology, in an open access model, to serve both developed and low and middle-income countries.

All of the relevant  details are  contained on the journal website, accessible here.

This is exciting.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Experiencing the Moment, A Snowy Winter Walk to Work, Richmond, Virginia

Sometimes it just feels good to slow down, to walk to work, to live in the moment of an uncommon snowy, winter day in Richmond, Virginia. 

The three mile trek from home to VCU Health led me through the Museum District, The Fan District, VCU Campus and Monroe Park.
